Help Support the Glamis Dunes Veterans Events
Join Glamis Veterans in our mission to Remember. Honor and Support.
Your tax deductible donation provides the necessary means to sustain the Glamis Veterans events and enable us to execute our mission. Our foundational effort is the Veterans Day Gathering flag ceremony. Glamis Veterans doesn't just stop there though...
We are dedicated to raising awareness and providing outreach for critical veterans issues such as homelessness and suicide. We are also committed to introducing veterans and active duty service members to Glamis and attending the flag ceremony.
As a steward of our public lands, Glamis Veterans is also invested in Glamis and the continued efforts to enable responsible recreation. We work cooperatively with industry partners, stakeholders, and the Bureau of Land Management, to preserve and enhance our recreation areas and way of life.
For sponsorship opportunities please contact us HERE or by phone at 951-314-4344